When I was young... I never needed anyone... (crap! too many songs in the world, I could barely pop a tune all over me in my head) To the top!
When I was young, I used to turn off my humanity towards dogs; turned my affection for them to abomination. Remember when we’re clumsy kids and we stumble with our face first to the sturdiness of the furnitures? We cried screaming at the top of our lungs (what's going on!) veeerrry angry aiming to get back at the furniture to contain our bitter blaming…That feeling! D’you feel me?
As to why I reach the point of loathing dogs then? (let's say you care.)
First story, my father’s. It was a gloomy morning as I dip and nibble a morsel of bread brushing round my cup of coffee, a little girl with her grandma got down of the trike alongside the highway heading home with a basket full of produce bought apparently from the wet market. Just a few walks away, a very loud howling ‘askal’ (local) dog coming from like nowhere attacked the little girl directing to her face. Quick response from the grandma to her granddaughter’s defense, the basket took charge of the beating but it did not stop the pooch from snatching her wrist all for the killer bite. As the assault progresses, it caught my father’s attention; with no second thoughts, he run into the scenario empty-handed of anything for resistance. (hero be like!) Not as successful as it was hoped to be, the dauntless dog continues to be aggressive managing to crunch both my father’s arms. Patience out and adrenaline is rushing, my father muddles through by grabbing both the dog’s legs and fleetingly followed it with a hard smash to the ground in succession. The dog was weakened and partly unconscious right after that instance and wails a forbearing sound. The hapless victims quickly underwent an anti-rabies shots and it was found out that the dog was deranged for a couple of days in a cage and reached the peak of its twisted fate that fine gloomy morning.